Support + connection as you face the hard stuff.
Grief & Loss
Here’s what I want you to hear: you are not taking too long with your grief.
You are not doing this wrong. You do not have to “find a new normal” or believe that “he’s in a better place now” or “try to stay busy and focus on the good times”.
Losing someone you love is incredibly painful. And that is as it should be. Unfortunately, the dominant culture still has an incredibly hard time honoring and making space for your pain.
Therapy can offer a refuge, a place to process the intense and complex feelings that come with a loss, to talk about and remember your loved one, and to figure out what life looks like (and who you are) now that they are gone.
Life Changes
Marriage. Divorce. A new job. Retirement. Pregnancy. Menopause. Moving to a new city. Turning over a new leaf.
Life transitions are experiences where we’re pulled in two different directions: saying goodbye to the things that no longer serve us (or that are no longer available to us), and saying hello to things we may not yet fully understand (which can be scary AND exciting). Sometimes these changes can push us out of our comfort zones – and into places of fear, anger, sadness, or indecision.
I believe these places of transition create fertile soil for people to grow.
Trauma Resilience
Trauma happens when we are exposed to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence, either as injury to ourselves or others. It can result from a single incident (as in a sexual assault or witnessing a death, for example) or long term experiences (like childhood abuse, domestic violence, or systemic racism).
People may experience flashbacks, nightmares, memory loss, persistent negative beliefs and emotions, irritable behavior, and/or hypervigilance following a traumatic event. These are normal, protective responses to horrible and unexpected experiences.
Human connection, breath and body awareness, and time and space to be present to your experience are pathways to healing.
‘If we do not focus on human limits and pathology, what is the alternative? It is the belief that human freedom is possible under any circumstance.’
— Jack Kornfield, from The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology